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What is clairaudience?

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Hi everyone, my name is Jeff Krecioch and I am a very powerful clairaudient psychic medium. What is a clairaudient psychic medium you may ask? I will explain.

Unlike clairsentience which is basically feeling the information that is given and trying to relay it in such a manner to a sitter (a person receiving a reading) in a way that they will be able to relate to or clairvoyance where the medium sees within their minds eye images and such that they try and relate what they are seeing to a sitter, Jeff’s primary gift is clairaudience.

Clairaudience is the ability of Jeff to hear word for word what a sitter’s deceased friends and family are relaying to Jeff through Jeff’s many spirit guides that inhabit the highest reaches of heaven.

Clairaudience is a much rarer and more accurate way in which spirit can provide messages of perseverance and hope as well as a myriad of other topics that Jeff can easily relay through direct messages to his client’s.

The areas that Jeff covers are:

Love/life relationships

Connecting with deceased loved ones, relatives and/or friends

Specific business/financial advice

Inner growth and spiritual development

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