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Clairaudience and Spirituality


This is channeled content from high spiritual beings…

It is very important to recognize that spirituality is a necessary component of having a well balanced life. For far too long the majority of the human inhabitants of earth have not recognized the utter importance of maintaining a disciplined spiritual practice.

It is imperative that human beings recognize the sheer importance of understanding that life on earth would not be possible if it were not for the myriad of spirits directly interacting with all living human beings upon the planet.

It is not recognized by most people that they have many spiritual guides and advisors that are constantly transmitting important information to them on an ongoing basis. If these spiritual beings were not allowed to do their job and that is to advise humanity on a one-on-one basis then life as we know it would cease to exist.

Human beings must recognize that many of the thoughts they hear within their mind are not coming from themselves but in fact originate in a much higher state of consciousness and that those spiritual beings that are assigned to help and protect their human counterparts are constantly interacting with their human brethren.

We all must recognize the truth of the matter and that is human beings are totally reliant on spiritual beings helping them in every facet of their daily lives.

It is important to recognize that human beings all have the ability to tune into these high spiritual beings and to differentiate between thoughts of their own and those thoughts that spirit conveys to them. The problem is, very few people are cognizant of this most basic premise of being a human being.

For far too long the majority of people have turned their back on recognizing the importance of maintaining a spiritual practice whereas one is fully aware of those spiritual beings that are continually with them providing guidance.

It is a shame of the highest magnitude that more human beings are not fully aware of the inner workings of the spiritual realms which is necessary for human beings to advance spiritually upon the planet. We within the highest heavenly realms are on a mission from God the Father, Creator of human beings.

Our mission entails recognizing those human beings that are of the highest spiritual caliber and to partner with them in order to bring much needed change to the world.

The medium Jeff that is channeling this content is one such human being.

Kiwi popsicle

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